An Anthology of South-East Asian Music Records Listing

The LP series An Anthology of South-East Asian Music was published by the Institute for Musicology of the University of Basle, in association with the Experimental Studio of the Heinrich Strobel Foundation of South-West German Radio, Freiburg in Breisgau, and released on the Musicaphon label by Bärenreiter (Kassel/Basel/London). General Editor: Hans Oesch. See also Unesco Collection: A Musical Anthology of the Orient Records Listing.

This is not a catalog. This is a discographical tool for researchers. I have no idea how to obtain these records.

Number Title Rec.
BM 30 SL 2560 Panji in Lombok I 1972
BM 30 L 2561 The Senoi of Malacca 1963
BM 30 L 2562 Music of the Negrito of Malacca 1924/25, 1963
BM 30 L 2563 The Protomalayans of Malacca 1963
BM 30 SL 2564 Panji in Lombok II 1972
BM 30 SL 2565 Panji in Bali I 1972-73
BM 30 L 2566 Sri Lanka: Singhalese Music: Singing and Drumming 1972-77
BM 30 SL 2567 The Mandailing People of Sumatra 1971-79
BM 30 L 2568 The Angkolo People of Sumatra 1971-72
BM 30 SL 2569 Sri Lanka: Kolam - The Masked Play 1979, 1982
BM 30 SL 2570 Ritual Music from Bali I: The Annual Cycle in Tatulingga: The Usaba Sumbu 1972
BM 30 SL 2571 Ritual Music from Bali II: Cross-Section through the Music of the Annual Cycle in Tatulingga 1972-73
BM 30 SL 2572 The Lahunyi of Thailand 1985
BM 30 SL 2573 Ritual Music from Bali III: The Gong GedĂ© from Sulahan  
BM 30 SL 2574 Ritual Music from Bali IV  

This list compiled by Karl-Michael Schneider.

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